On the Commitment Capacity of Reverse Elastic Channels


Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Image provided by Pranav Joshi
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Indian Institute of Technology Patna


In this work, we study commitment over a class of channels called reverse elastic channels (RECs). In the commitment problem, two mutually distrustful parties, say Alice and Bob, seek to commit on a bit string available to Alice. The parties interact via a commitment protocol comprising two phases, viz., commit phase followed by reveal phase. Alice commits to a string, and transmits it to Bob securely in a manner Bob cannot learn it until Alice chooses to reveal it; at the time of reveal, however, Bob can successfully detect if Alice cheats. It is well known that noisy channels are a promising resource to realize information-theoretically secure commitment; however, oftentimes, channel behaviour may be poorly characterized thereby limiting the commitment throughput and/or degrading the security guarantees. Particularly problematic is a scenario where dishonest parties can actively alter the channel characteristics. RECs are an interesting class of such unreliable channels, where essentially only a dishonest committer Alice can meaningfully alter the channel; RECs have attracted active recent interest. Our principal contribution is the REC commitment capacity characterization for all parameters; this proves a recent related conjecture. Apart from presenting an achievable scheme, a key result in our work is a tight converse which analyses a specific cheating strategy by Alice. The significance of RECs stems from the fact that along with elastic channels (ECs), where only a dishonest receiver Bob can alter the channel, these two channel models represent special cases of the more widely studied unfair noisy channels (UNCs). Interestingly, for a given set of parameters, our result shows that the REC commitment capacity is no larger than that for the ECs. Furthermore, similar to the ECs, RECs offer non-trivial commitment throughput for all meaningful parameters; this is in stark contrast to UNCs where the throughput may possibly be zero.

Paper Manuscript