Recent Progress in Private Simultaneous Messages Protocols


Mie University


The private simultaneous messages (PSM) model is a simple variant of the secure multiparty computation (MPC). In the k-party PSM model, each party Pi has a private input xi for i=1, ..., k. For a function f, each Pi encrypts xi into a message mi with a random string r shared among P1, ..., Pk, and sends mi to the referee R. R computes f(x1, ..., xk) from their respective messages m1, ..., mk. Then, R learns nothing from m1, ..., mk except for the output value f(x1, ..., xk). This simple model provides interesting cryptographic applications and is essential for understanding the intrinsic costs (e.g., of communication |m1| + ... + mk and randomness |r|) to achieve MPC. This study surveys recent results associated with the PSM and closely related models.

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